The program

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Leading a creative team

Leading Creatives is a 10 days training program, divided into 3 modules that are completed over a period of 6 months. is een praktisch small group trainingsprogramma afgewisseld met blended learning, werkbezoeken, creative challenges en cases.Door de begeleiding op maat ontwikkel jij je naar een effectieve leider voor je team, en een inspirator voor je organisatie.

Leading Creatives is also offered as an in-company trajectory or as a personal coaching trajectory. Contact us for more information

Module 1: Personal creative leadership

In this module we start with researching and developing your leadership skills. As a creative you enter a transition from maker/producer to leader. Your role changes: you will lead a team based on a creative and strategic vision. What does that require of you as a person?

Themes in module 1

  • Your creative DNA and personality type according to DISK.
  • Personality types and creative team building
  • The skillset and roles of the creative leader
  • Leadership in multi-team collaborations
  • Developing a positive communication style

Module 2: Leiderschap naar je team

In module 2 we take a closer look at leading a creative team. We look at your stimulating and strategic role as a leader, also in creative innovation processes within the organization. In this module you will work on your own internal case that connects to the learning themes.

Themes in Module 2

  • Research into the need for innovation in your own organization
  • Guiding Innovation Processes
  • Developing thought leadership
  • Build effective creative teams.
  • Coaching, Ownership, Workflow and Task Distribution
  • Organize effective creative processes
  • Stimulate team and employee engagement
  • Presentation internal innovation case

Module 3: Leiderschap naar je merk

In module 3 we look at your role as a leader outwardly. How do you propagate your brand? How do you and your team deal with customers and stakeholders? And how do you work together with other teams and professionals in a case? In this module you work on a campaign for, for example, a media company or charity.

Themes in module 3

  • Positioning and brand experience
  • Creative strategy and creative direction
  • Concepting & Ideation, Creativity coaching
  • Branding and Customer experience
  • Brand storytelling
  • Presentation external brand case

Study load

In addition to the training days, you must take into account an extra study load of 3 to 5 days. You work on a team innovation project, a creative challenge and your personal leadership vision.

Dates and Price


Module 1: April – Mei 2023
Module 2: May – June 2023
Module 3: September – October 2023

Download the training data below.



For 3 modules.
Module 1 €2400 ex vat
Module 2 €2850
Module 3 €2850

Learning materials and lunch arrangement €365,-
Excluding VAT

The learning path can also be followed in-company or in a personal coaching process. Call or email us for the possibilities.
Call: 0619 598 987
Mail: training@versdenkers.nl

The vision behind the program

The importance of creative and innovative thinking ability

Creatives are eager, want to develop quickly, add value and look beyond the dot on the horizon. That's the nature of the beast. The media landscape is fickle. Constantly changing. It requires agile organizations and leaders with creative, analytical, designing and innovative thinking skills who can anticipate. Skills that are becoming increasingly important to achieve and maintain an authentic, competitive position as an organization.

Start Learning outside the lines

Creatives kennen geen lineair carierepad. Soms werk je een half jaar hier en daarna jaren daar. Ervaring bouw je op door meters te maken en gave projecten te draaien. Het gaat er om dat je uiteindelijk de beste in je vak wordt, en de daarbij behorende verantwoordelijkheid kunt dragen.

Because creatives want to grow quickly and need variety, Versdenkers offers a workplace-independent learning path. You or your employer purchase a submodule. Each module represents a partial certificate. Maybe you work through a module at your current employer, the next at another job and finish it as an independent entrepreneur. 

The knife cuts both ways

Versdenkers assists organizations in developing and retaining the already present creative talent, by placing this talent in the Leading Creatives program. myself iInternal training takes a lot of time, depending on a mentors availability, the amount of projects, the creative level and their scope. Before an organization has trained talent to such an extent that they can take on the responsibility of a managerial position, there is a good chance that these creative talents have already disappeared. The Leading Creatives program keeps those talents on board and inspired.

Focus on Leadership

The Leading Creatives program focuses on increasing personal leadership skills. If creatives also want to increase their maker skills in addition to this program, they can register for many other, shorter-term training programs by Versdenkers. 
